A różne takie

Artykuły o Edycie znalezione w Internecie

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VIF czyli Very Important Fan
VIF czyli Very Important Fan
Posty: 11159
Rejestracja: 12 sty 2009, 18:04
Lokalizacja: Warszawa

Re: A różne takie

Post autor: B@r »

Michal pisze:ze "górniak" mowi sie na kogoskto "miewa doły"
ale hicior :D
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VIF czyli Very Important Fan
VIF czyli Very Important Fan
Posty: 9129
Rejestracja: 14 lut 2005, 2:21
Lokalizacja: 666

Re: A różne takie

Post autor: vanity »

Michal pisze:aha, jeszcze nowym numerze miesiecznika "Forbes" jest ranking najbogatszych ludzi polskiego show-biznesu. Edyty nie ma w pierwszej setce (skubancy nie znaja jej majatku n). Podane sa za to ceny ok. 30 minutowych recitali na roznych imprezach okolicznosciwoych. Maryla Rodowicz i Kora biora np. 45 tys. zl netto (cena obejmuje wynagrodzenie calego zespolu). Edyta bierze podobno 28 tys. zl netto.
to już znamy z książki czy z wywiadów Krysiaka że Edka żadnej forsy nie ma :D

ale to może się zmienić forbes już działa parę tygodni w PL, rozkręca się, i pewnie powoli zacznie robić bardzo dokładne statystyki najbogatszych.
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Posty: 1784
Rejestracja: 27 sty 2005, 14:09
Ulubiony album: Live'99
Ulubiona piosenka: Stop
Lokalizacja: Jak najdalej stad

Re: A różne takie

Post autor: homerowa »

Tak jeśli chodzi o gazetę Poland Monthly to jej okładka
A to tekst z gazety w oryginale:
Breaking Out

Diminutive, fair-haired and pretty Anna Maria Jopek talks about her work in almost philosophical tones. From the start words such as “freedom” and “love” litter a conversation far removed from the bland veneer that masks most conversations about jobs and work. What soon becomes clear is that she is a woman with a passion for her career and woman with a mission.
Jopek is a vocalist—and a good one at that. Since 1997 she has developed into one of Poland’s most accomplished artists, absorbing a variety of influences into her jazz style, and has even built up a small international following after a successful collaboration with American jazz star Pat Metheny.
Now she is hoping to build on that success and become what few Polish artists have ever become—a recognized performer on the international stage.
With her new album, “Secrets,” released in June on markets as widespread as South Africa and Korea, and with all the songs in English, she has the clear intention of breaking into foreign markets.

Problems in the industry…

If Jopek can do this it would be a rare achievement. Few, if any, Poles have made the successful transition from a famed performer on the national stage to international star. Despite possessing a culture in which music and song are never far away and producing a legion of singers with golden voices, Poland has always struggled to get its stars across borders. Other continental countries such as Sweden, Spain and Germany have succeeded while Poland has chronically come up short. Some Polish artists have tried to breakout only to return home with little or no success to their names. Often their lack of language skills is blamed. as are surnames unpronounceable to foreigners, but according to Piotr Kabaj, chairman of EMI Polska, the true reason has much to do with the state of the Polish music industry.
“To begin with it’s a matter of money,” said Kabaj. “The Polish market is not a rich one in comparison to those of Germany and France—and I can’t even compare it to the USA. Also you have to remember that the professional music industry has only existed in Poland for the last 10 years, and then we have other problems such as a piracy rate running at 50 percent and salaries five-times less than the EU average.”
Kabaj has good reason to blame piracy and low salaries. With the price of CDs high in relation to income, for many Poles music has become something of luxury. This, along with the availability of pirated CDs and the new phenomenon of downloadable music, eats into record companies’ revenues, making it harder for them to generate the considerable sums of money needed to promote an artist, first on the national level and then on the international stage.
Yet these are not the only problems. Kabaj also complained that the Polish music industry has become too insular over the years.
“There has been no fresh blood,” he continued. “We’ve had the same artists and the same producers for many, many years. In Sweden, for example, they have many people from different nationalities [working in the industry] and when you have this you get different kinds of tastes and influences.”
For Brian Allan, a Scottish singer-songwriter who has worked in both Western Europe and the country, these complaints come as no surprise. His experience of Poland has made him aware that when it comes to popular music Poland still has much to do and learn if it wants to launch stars into music’s mainstream.
He highlighted problems with production skills, but has also found that Polish music and artists have a distinctive style. This is good for Poland, he said, but limits possibilities internationally.
“The songwriting in Poland has a very distinctive style, which is popular with the Polish audience,” said Allan. “It’s not American or Swedish. If you talk about pop artists—from Britney to Christina Aguilera—their songwriters have a distinctive style, their sense of melody is very American-Swedish.
“But for Polish artists such as Kayah, their songs are more subdued—they are not really explosive,” he continued. “They don’t go for the over-the-top production.”
Allen is adamant that over time Poland will produce internationally acclaimed stars in the same way as Sweden and Germany have done, yet there is also one other obstacle to negotiate before this happens—a problem with “coolness,” or the lack of it in Poland’s case.
For some in the music industry Poland still has a problem with an image that has struggled to shake off the Cold-War stereotype—and in the fickle and fashion-conscious world of music this is something of a curse. An attitude exists in the industry that Polish artists and Polish music are not cool enough, something that Allen, who has put together a band in Poland, has encountered.
“I’ve been advised to become a European band rather than a Polish band,” he explained with an air of disappointment. “On the universal scale it might not be cool to come out as a Polish rock band. They suggested that we come out as a European rock band based in Poland.”
All of these problems come at time when the music industry is becoming increasingly international in its nature. With artists from all over the world elbowing and jostling to be the “next big thing” regional offices of record companies are now inundated by requests from local branches to give this or that artist exposure. The fact is that the competition is becoming stronger.
Kabaj acknowledged that it has become increasingly difficult for Polish artists to become known on an international level. Yet at the same time he said it would be wrong to say that there have been no successes.

Depends where you look…

Kabaj pointed to the career of Edyta Górniak. A famed Polish beauty and singer, she moved to London and recorded in English in an attempt to establish herself on the international scene. Although her career may have fallen short of the goals that both Górniak and her record label may have set, she did have hit records in a number of European markets before returning to her native land.
“This made her a star in a few European countries,” explained Kabaj. “Maybe not a superstar, but a star.”
Jopek, while taking a more philosophical approach, also argued that Polish artists have achieved success abroad and that this is often overlooked by Poles whose only yardstick of success is that of the superstar.
“They think success means a life like Jennifer Lopez, so it depends on what you mean by success” said the singer. “Górniak was successful. If she can sell thousands and thousands of records in Portugal she’s achieved something. I don’t know why we are so demanding in Poland.”
Jopek added that a number of other Poles have achieved success, but it has gone unrecognized because they work in areas other than that of pop music.
She pointed to the careers of the composers Wojciech Kilar and Jan Kaczmarek. Well known in the classical world, both men have scored award-winning soudtracks in the past and have established themselves as leading composers in the film industry, with their talents sought by film makers the world over.
And then there is Jopeks’ own music, jazz. In a world far removed from more main-stream styles of music a number of Poles have managed to break free of the bonds of the home market and become international stars in their own right.
“Tomasz Stańko, perhaps the greatest Polish jazz musician of all time, has become an international star,” said an enthusiastic Paweł Brodowski, editor of the magazine Jazz Forum. “He is something like the locomotive for Polish jazz, and if you ask someone outside Poland about Polish jazz the first words that come out are ‘Tomasz Stańko.’”
This is no idle boast. A veteran of the Polish jazz scene, the trumpeter now enjoys a major record contract and plays regular concerts to admiring audiences across Europe and the Unites States.
Stańko’s music owes much to a legendary Polish figure in the world of jazz, Krzysztof Komeda. Although he died ub 1969 his music, which was crafted at a time when jazz was persecuted by the communist authorities, has enjoyed an upswing in popularity.
“Although he died in the 60s there is a great market for his music and his classic soundtracks for Roman Polański films [such as Rosemary’s Baby],” commented Stephen Graham, co-editor of the London-based magazine Jazzwise. “There is an interest and people are genuinely intrigued by his music, which even now some people are only becoming aware of. They are fascinated by this jazz period in Poland, when musicians had to practice in illegal clubs. It has cult appeal.”
With a strong tradition to build on ,Brodowski is confident that a host of young musicians will maintain Poland’s strong jazz tradition although he fears that they could become lost in the growing sea of musicians who ply their trade in the now multi-national jazz world.
But although few dispute that while Poland may have international stars, those stars will remain in the narrow confines of jazz and film music. But people still believe that Poland will produce a global star.

Future hopes…
EMI’s Kabaj remains confident that Poland will soon produce a global star, saying that “we are trying to do things and have plans for the future.”
As evidence of this he highlighted of the group Myslovitz, a five-piece band from near Katowice, signed to the EMI label. They recently toured Europe supporting the Irish group The Corrs, and played to over 200,000 people in world-famous venues such as London’s Wembley Arena. This kind of exposure, Kabaj explained might turn the group into an international star, and it is testament to the company’s faith in the band.
And then there is Jopek. Kabaj believes that she has “tremendous potential” and that many people in the US and the UK would be interested in hearing her work.
Jopek herself is grateful that her record company, Universal, decided on an English production—and she said she is also pleased with the opportunities that have come with it.
Yet the fact that her label came up with the idea of an English-language record can signify that it believes she has what it takes to break into international markets. But if success comes, she explained, she hopes it will be manageable proportions.
“As I said, Poles think that success means a life like Jennifer Lopez,” she explained. “I would never dream about a career like hers. Success in my terms is freedom to do whatever I want.”

Matthew Day
Miłego tłumaczenia ;-)

[ Dodano: 2005-08-07, 19:33 ]
Szkoda tylko że gazetka owa jest taka droga, bo kosztuje aż 15zł :(
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Ready for love
Ready for love
Posty: 3127
Rejestracja: 01 sty 2005, 23:12
Lokalizacja: Tychy

Re: A różne takie

Post autor: Kasia »

To moze streśc o czym to jes w kilku zdaniach?? Rozumię, że o Edycie, ale może cos więcej? :DDD
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Marcin A.
Posty: 2143
Rejestracja: 10 gru 2004, 16:40
Ulubiony album: Perła
Ulubiona piosenka: Dotyk
Lokalizacja: kujawsko-pomorskie

Re: A różne takie

Post autor: Marcin A. »

Tak sobie pomyślałem,że fajnie byłoby zobaczyć Edytke w jakiejś kolejnej ekskluzywnej sesji dla "Vivy".Kurcze,czy tamte czasy kiedyś wrócą???
If I give myself (up) to you
If I give myself (up) to you
Posty: 315
Rejestracja: 17 gru 2004, 13:12
Ulubiony album: Perła
Ulubiona piosenka: Perła
Lokalizacja: Suwałki

Re: A różne takie

Post autor: marcinek »

trzeba być tobrej myśli... :) :) :)
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Uwaga, spammer!!!! :D
Uwaga, spammer!!!! :D
Posty: 5172
Rejestracja: 30 mar 2005, 16:52
Ulubiony album: Perła/EG/E.K.G
Ulubiona piosenka: Nie Proszę O Więcej
Lokalizacja: Polska

Re: A różne takie

Post autor: grzechoo »

Ja nie wiem zczego to wynika, może z tego że patronem medialnym singla i płyty Edyty jest Gala, jakby nie było konkurencyjna gazeta, i to w Gali były pierwsze zdjecia Allanka. Czyżby Viva się obraziła? Kiedys to Edyty w Vivie było dużo, a teraz? :cry:
Marcin A. pisze:Tak sobie pomyślałem,że fajnie byłoby zobaczyć Edytke w jakiejś kolejnej ekskluzywnej sesji dla "Vivy".Kurcze,czy tamte czasy kiedyś wrócą???
Miejmy nadzieję, że wrócą. I oby jak najszybciej, może exkluzywna sesja ze ślubu? :smile:
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VIF czyli Very Important Fan
VIF czyli Very Important Fan
Posty: 9129
Rejestracja: 14 lut 2005, 2:21
Lokalizacja: 666

Re: A różne takie

Post autor: vanity »

grzechoo pisze:Miejmy nadzieję, że wrócą. I oby jak najszybciej, może exkluzywna sesja ze ślubu? Smile
moim zdaniem to pomysł najgorszy jaki oni mogą zrealizować. tyle było huku o nie wtrynianie nosa dziennikarzy w ich życie osobiste. a teraz ślubne zdjęcia w gazecie? pachniałoby to hipokryzją.... czas by edka przestała reklamować się życiem prywatnym. jak wiele można stracić takim PR już chyba wie.
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VIF czyli Very Important Fan
VIF czyli Very Important Fan
Posty: 5727
Rejestracja: 08 gru 2004, 14:14
Ulubiony album: Edyta Górniak
Lokalizacja: Łomża

Re: A różne takie

Post autor: ANETA »

Edyta zawsze duzo mówi o nekającyh Ją paparazzi ale tak w gruncie rzeczy wcale nie ma Jej duzo zdjec zrobionych własnie przez nich. Nie widac jak Edyta chodzi po ulicy, jest w sklepie, nie widac Jej zdjec takich jak maja amerykanskie gwiazdy. Moze troche przesadza. Mysle ze dziennikarze pisemnie bardziej jej dokuczyli niz aparatem.
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The story so far
The story so far
Posty: 557
Rejestracja: 10 gru 2004, 19:57
Ulubiony album: Edyta Górniak
Ulubiona piosenka: OnTheRun/KolorowyWiatr
Lokalizacja: wrocław

Re: A różne takie

Post autor: betka »

nie wiem czy już ktoś pisał o tym...ostatnio kupiłam "na żywo"... co prawda po pamiętnym wywiadzie z Edytą -obiecałam sobie, że nigdy tego nie kupię...ale skusił mnie film i pocieszyłam się, że teraz panuje inna red. naczelna :)
jest małe zdjęcie Edki z otwarcia H&M (chyba w Kielcach) i podpis, że wyniosła najwięcej toreb z zakupami :D
od razu uprzedzam, że nie mam odpowiedniego sprzętu żeby pokazać zdjęcie- Edzia śliczna jak zawsze-ma na głowie błękitny berecik
If I give myself (up) to you
If I give myself (up) to you
Posty: 280
Rejestracja: 08 gru 2004, 16:36
Lokalizacja: :)

Re: A różne takie

Post autor: alicja »

Buszujac dzis po necie natknelam sie na cos takiego...


nic nowego w sumie, ale przyjemnie sie czyta... :) no i artykul obiektywny... szkoda ze na najglosniejszych portalach nie pisza w taki sposob... :? ale dobre i to... :)
milego czytania,
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Uwaga, spammer!!!! :D
Uwaga, spammer!!!! :D
Posty: 5172
Rejestracja: 30 mar 2005, 16:52
Ulubiony album: Perła/EG/E.K.G
Ulubiona piosenka: Nie Proszę O Więcej
Lokalizacja: Polska

Re: A różne takie

Post autor: grzechoo »

W ostatnim numerze Chwili Dla Ciebie mały artykulik (i jedno zdjęcie z Darkiem):
Wkrótce ślub?
Przez ostatni miesiąc Edytę Górniak (33 l.) i Dariusza Krupę (32 l.) widywano dość często w sklepach ze ślubnymi strojami. Ona wybierała najpiękniejsza sukienkę, on rozglądał się za garniturem. Znajomi i przyjaciele przebąkiwali, że jeszcze we wrześniu para zamierza wziąć ślub. Jednak wrzesień już minął, a ślubu jak nie było, tak nie ma. Podobno piosenkarka pojechała z dzieckiem do mamy, by odpocząć i zregenerować siły. Niektórzy jednak przebakują, że w jej związku nie dzieje sie najlepiej. Ale może to tylko plotki wymyslone przez zazdrośników i ślub jednak wkrótce się odbędzie...

Jak to ostatnimi czasy nic ciekawego nie napisano.
Magda M
VIF czyli Very Important Fan
VIF czyli Very Important Fan
Posty: 5847
Rejestracja: 10 sty 2005, 20:40

Re: A różne takie

Post autor: Magda M »

Edka tez jes w Vivie - w art odnosnie H&Mu (o ile pamietam to 2 małe fotki) , jest tam tez w horoskopie jej fotka :)

A i jchyba juz ktos to pisał ale Edka to chyba i w gali jest - tez w art dot H&M..... zdjecia chyba nawet te same albo b. podobne ;)

Pozdrówki :)
Edytoświrek: ja tu mieszkam!
Edytoświrek: ja tu mieszkam!
Posty: 4106
Rejestracja: 09 gru 2004, 14:13
Ulubiony album: Edyta Gorniak
Ulubiona piosenka: Bede snila
Lokalizacja: Wichrowe Wzgorze

Re: A różne takie

Post autor: Titter »

magdamiecz pisze:Edka tez jes w Vivie - w art odnosnie H&Mu (o ile pamietam to 2 małe fotki) , jest tam tez w horoskopie jej fotka :)

A i jchyba juz ktos to pisał ale Edka to chyba i w gali jest - tez w art dot H&M..... zdjecia chyba nawet te same albo b. podobne ;)

Pozdrówki :)
W Gali jest jedno zdjęcie :) z Darkiem.
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VIF czyli Very Important Fan
VIF czyli Very Important Fan
Posty: 9129
Rejestracja: 14 lut 2005, 2:21
Lokalizacja: 666

Re: A różne takie

Post autor: vanity »

grzechoo pisze:Niektórzy jednak przebakują, że w jej związku nie dzieje sie najlepiej. Ale może to tylko plotki wymyslone przez zazdrośników i ślub jednak wkrótce się odbędzie...
ja myślę że może dziać się źle pod tym względem, że razem żyją i razem pracują. tak więc ani w domu ani w pracy od siebie nie odpoczną. a robota wchodzi im "do sypialni". ale to że niby mieliby się pokłucić, to w to nie wierzę, plotki....